Competitor Intelligence

Search clients may retain us exclusively to map markets on their behalf. This often includes full mapping for an agreed list of targeted banks or partnership structures in firms.

This generally involves not only the composition of the team but also detailed biographies of the individuals, products traded or trading floor organization, layout and structure.

This service is generally commissioned when a client company plans a major launch or restructure and wants a compressive ‘plan of attack’ to ensure numbers of staff can be simultaneously attracted on an organised planned and managed basis. We have extensive experience in the complex task at moving entire teams or practice groups.

We have also been commissioned to provide detailed compensation and benefit surveys and bonus expectations and our daily interaction with candidates and clients places us in a unique position to provide authoritative data. Confidentially is always fully respected.

Search process

Above all else, We provide our clients with extraordinary service and the utmost in professionalism. Confidentiality - for both our clients and the candidates we contact on their behalf - is of great importance in our process. Our goal is to simplify and streamline the search process, allowing clients to focus on their core businesses. We take responsibility for the search, handle the details, keep clients informed, and stay focused on searches to completion.

With our focus on locating appropriate candidates for positions - not positions for candidates - we provide superior results for both parties, and deliver total satisfaction. We are proud that our repeat business rate is over 90%. You can always turn to Jolly Consultants to meet the people needs of business' better than anyone else.

Our disciplined approach to recruitment includes the following:
Definition: We first seek to fully understand the position as well as the company. Our next step is to develop a job description and detailed search criteria which include not only the technical skills but the leadership, interpersonal and softer performance skills required.

Strategy/Research: After agreement on the search criteria, we develop a customized strategy for the search. The search process involves many resources, including our own industry expertise and contacts, affiliations with national search industry groups, professional researchers, our state-of-the-art database of candidates, and a substantial proprietary network developed over many years.

Recruiting/Screening: We evaluate prospective candidates against the established criteria, and build the interest of those qualified. Our goal in all searches is to present several highly qualified candidates to our clients. We present people who are capable of performing the work, who are sincerely interested in the position, whose goals fall within the salary range, and who fit the client's corporate culture.

Selection: Only after the above qualifications are met do we present a resume and our written summary of each candidate's qualifications. And we continue to work with our clients during the entire selection process as needed, including offering our assistance with interviews and the final selection.

Reference Checks: We conduct thorough reference checks and verify education degrees.

Closure: When the right candidate is identified, we act as a liaison between the client and the candidate. We are available to assist in whatever capacity may be required, including assisting with offers, negotiations, and relocation. We strive to pave the way for a comfortable and compatible relationship in which both client and candidate are extremely pleased.

This is how we define a successful search!

Our Methodology

A search Assignment follows a clear tried and tested course.